it's late and as usual with my life as an animation student, i'm looking to be up all night.
so excusing my lack of focus and sentence structure here goes.
I've been trying to think about what to contribute to this team effort for a while now
and honestly I can't seem to muster the cynicism it takes to tell the world what I hate about a film just yet...but summer movie season is on it's way and i calling dibs on one or two of those bad boys
in the mean time
I'm new to the Buff, and i'm enjoying the education i get just from being in the environment. Ben Johnson, one of my fellow east enders has so much insight and I'm afraid I'm picking up some of his social habits here and there.
We talk about lot's in between the the minutes between customers and some of our more popular conversations pertain to(in fact if u want to get ben going u just need mention the gov't or) Herzog!
on that note, I recently had an assignment to do for my Storyboard class(I study animation at Sheridan Tech). From that i made a leica reel(pretty much editing it together so that it lives and breaths)
inspired by the likes of MadMax/Road Warrior and of course Herzogs Cobra Verde
I honestly can't get enough of the force of nature that is Kinski, can't tear my eyes away. The man is crazy and his work is genius. I'm slowly getting through our collection and this one here touched me most of all.
My goal in this reel was to give a brief set up to that story we were to develop(See Here) like the opening to lord of the rings, just a jumping off point that sets things up.
The music track(30 seconds to mars) actually pertains to the internal thought of the protagonist, whomever that maybe be, that's up to the audience to decide so listen to the lyrics closely.
Prof. Williamsons conflit/climax excercise(See Here) really came in handy in staging this, it's busy, then calm then crazy then frozen.
Youtube had to mess with the aspect ratio of course
I had fun with this.
for ben
cool post, man. i really like your leica reel. thanks for contributing - keep it up. and most definitely, kinski and ben are both absolutely insane.
I concur… good post, King. The storyboard animation is excellent, btw. I’ll miss Ben too. He was a good guy, may he rest in piece.
thanks pals (and boss)
i like being original, it's what i intend to bring to the industry
as far as ben Johnson
he's my hero
"as far as ben Johnson
he's my hero"
say goodnight.
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