Renaissance is an animated-sci-fi-detective-thriller based in a vision of future Paris complete with recognisable architecture and monuments. Appearing like an animated photocopy, it uses a unique mix of CGI and motion capture. Each frame is packed with texture and detail and the score, sound and acting have also been nailed. Daniel Craig plays our main man detective Karas in the dubbed English version.
Plot begins with a kidnapping which unfolds into a corporate conspiracy involving genetic research and goes on to reach totally surprising depths. The bold cinematography, memorable characters and awesome sci-fi gadgetry really elevate this film. it echoes of Metropolis, Blade Runner and Citizen Kane and yet it is not dwarfed by these influences. I'd love for one of you guys to give a second take on this, I really enjoyed it but it's a BIG story and with nothing else to compare it to I'm stuck trying to describe it. I'm also amazed by the quality:obscurity ratio here, how can I never have heard anything on something so up my alley? There is something for all of us in here. Amazing! 9 gold nuggets.
i really enjoyed it, but i wasn't blown away by it.
After the awe of the look of the film faded i was left to focus on the story which i felt was lacking.
I had just seen Vexille before this, and they both are beautiful looking animated features. Vexille however was jam packed with action sequences so i guess going into Renaissance i was craving more of that.
It is a good picture and i recognize it as such, just didn't live up to the standards i placed upon it first going in. maybe worth a second look.
I loved Renaissance but couldn't find anyone else that agreed with me when it first came out. I included it on the best films since 2000 post a year or so ago. I've never seen Vexille (kinda forgot about it too). Kris's mention has got me thinking I've got to get around to watching it soon.
It's funny I was the opposite, it took me some time to get used to the look of the film and eventually it was the story that won me over. Will check vagville too when I can.
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