It's recently come to my attention that no-one is really renting The Mentalist. Instead it seems they're choosing to clamber helplessly over copies of Mad Men and The Wire week after week whilst pulling faces at me because... it's always rented. And whilst I'm in no doubt the aforementioned series' are of a superior quality, this show is fun.
The Mentalist (aka Dexter-lite) is perfectly crafted episodic whodunnits presented with enough tension and twists to push the raging house-fire in your kitchen down your list of priorities. It's addictive, charming and entertaining. Watching it more often than you do now will probably be a good thing.
re: no one renting it
might have something to do with a certain unnamed new manager of the fbw (it's nick) putting the dvds in the yellow rental diplay cases that go out on the shelf. no wonder two of the discs are missing, the series is incomplete, and no one's renting it. goes out pretty regularly in the fbe. ahhhh, growing pains...
Half true, disks 4,5&6 at FBE have only rented once and that was to me, Disk 1 has rented only twice so not exactly popular, anyway. Shitty post really but wait for my next one, in defence of McG! hiss.
it's actually rented about 30 times in the fbe, jules just doesn't scan them...
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