I have since watched Ms. 45, New Rose Hotel and now Bad Lieutenant. The latter is definitely the sleakest, and most engaging. All of them seem to have a similar vibe to them though. There is something of a "moral" that is attempting to bubble to the surface, but it never quite gets there. I think it is drowned in, for lack of a less prudish word, pornography. The ethics are almost a side order accompanying the main dish of intense, sexualized violence. A sort of confession after the binge (Ferrara is a Catholic, and Catholicism plays a big role in the Bad Lieutenant). Hypermasculine melodrama is what I would call it, if anyone's asking (good band name?). I think I like the man better than his work...there are a few directors I feel this way about (Herzog and Cassavetes being the two that come to mind). It is interesting that Ferrara seems to be heavily influenced by Cassavetes (and wishes a death in Hell on Herzog--who lately kind of deserves it). But Cassavetes has Husbands, Herzog has Stroszek, Bells from the Deep, and a dozen other gems. At times those filmmakers' works live up to the man, but I have yet to see that from Ferrara.
ms. 45 is so amazing. i love it (and zoe lund) to pieces. you should watch the driller killer by ferrara for further weirdness, or his early short 9 lives of a wet pussy.
Ha ha, Herzog in that link basically "who the fuck is Abel Ferrara anyway?". Leg end.
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