Many of their films were produced for TV by HBO and it seems the 'capture everything, edit later' ethos gives these films their character. For example, revelations implied in the nuances of body language during an impromptu street interview. Long bumbling monologues offering insight into characters you might else only see in the courtroom. These are the scenes that make all the difference. This comprehensive approach becomes immersive before a profound sense of powerlessness washes you up on shore, as the credits roll.
A quick peek at other upcoming projects reveals the possibility of some closure on what would be one of the great crime stories captured in film with the Paradise Lost series as well as the should-be-on-dvd-soon title Crude. Here's what you may have missed.

Brother's Keeper (1992)
Hicksville has always been a rich seam for mining documentaries and this one gets in so deep it requires subtitles. When one of a family of farming brothers is found dead, the autopsy is inconclusive. The following shake up takes the simple working mans perspective as the big city attorneys try to place the blame. Sad, heartfelt, small but quite perfectly formed.
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)
My favourite and surely one of the most shocking of true crime documentaries. The film that spawned a whole movement in defense of the 'West Memphis 3'. Three teenagers stand accused when three young children are found dead and mutilated in the local woods. The only problem is that there seems to be no evidence. However, little things like that won't stop the rolling wheels of US justice!
Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (2000)
The very existence of this film implies the lack of a satisfying verdict in the first Paradise Lost. Never have I rushed to see a sequel as I did for this. A progressive continuation on the same case, new evidence comes to light and suspicions on other suspects are reinforced. What a mind melter this case is. This is a long film and finds no true closure. Paradise Lost 3 now in Post-production. All of this makes you wonder about all the thousands of other cases we didn't get to hear about.
Gray Matter (2004)
This one reaches back in time to when the Nazi eugenics program manifested in the most horrific of ways as a children's 'treatment centre'. This film visits today's legacy as the families of those involved finally lay them all to rest. Short, sad but an important story to tell.
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster (2004)
The biggest scariest band of them all sits down with their shrink and tell him how things are getting so 'heavy'. Priceless, even if you're not a fan. In fact, especially if you're not.
Oh and I found this, documentary blog's top 10 docs of 2009. Loads of clips and trailers and that....
I meant, here look young dudes! The Documentary Blog's top 10 docs of 2009
Seen 4 of the 5 here - all excellent. I didn't realize they were by the same filmmakers. Nice one.
Is Paradise Lost 2 actually better than the first?! I'm excited and need to prepare myself for the second. The only one I didn't really enjoy was Metallica, but I think I was expecting something completely different. Hmmmmm....
um Ms. Diamonds, a sequel to a documentary usually means that it is continuing to document the same story. it's not like the effects or better, or they have Johnny Depp in it now. It's only "better" than the first if you care to hear more about what's unfolded since the last doc. ya dig?
think Grey Gardens vs. The Beales of Grey Gardens, same shit different day.
also the statement "I'm excited and need to prepare myself for the second" sounds more in tune to a glittering vampire film sequel than Paradise Lost.
No, I don't think it is better than the first really, it treads water and keeps you guessing but again has no resolution. I am excited for the 3rd, there is new evidence implying one of the fathers of the murdered children. The others have been on death row for 16 years now. Wikipedia says "As of April 16, 2009, the Arkansas Supreme Court has agreed to consider an affidavit of jury misconduct filed under seal by a Little Rock attorney in 2008". Mangz.
Edited for "Bad blog etiquette".
A movie entitled Devils knot based on the case in Paradise lost has been announced to shoot this year. Unfortunately since director Scott Derrickson (of The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Day the Earth Stood Still) left the project, it seems to be in limbo.
now hold on there Tardo, you can say go back to Mexico, faggots and i can't make a little witty quip? what!? too soon?
Telling gay people to go back to Mexico? Quoting your "Bad blog etiquette" zinger to me. You, implying I'm too sensitive?
Kris, meet Alanis Morisette.
you'd be speaking German if it wasn't for us
i've been reading your last comment over and over tardo and i have no idea what you're saying. i get the Alanis thing... but you've just plain my mind with confusion
and by plain i mean blown... as in blow me.
Mr. Kadas Panties in a knot. Better can mean more interesting.. especially in a doc as more information surfaces. Documentarians also become more skilled as they gain more experience just as anyone in their field would. Attacking my comment doesn't make yours any better or worthwhile to read.
i'm just pointing out that "excited" seems like the wrong adjective for a series of films documenting a crime case about children murders. did not mean to bore you so Niki Class.
Just say it like that then. I getcha.
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