Somers Town arrived via Film Movement, a cool little label that only puts out one film per month. We have a decent selection of these releases, mostly low budget or festival films that otherwise wouldn't get a release. I will be delving into the back catalogue in the near future to see what other gems The Film Movement have dug up.
Quite quickly the reason Somers Town has arrived with so little fanfare becomes clear. It's the opposite of epic, a tiny but totally charming little film with the budget of a picnic, but that doesn't detract in any way.
It's the story of teenagers Tomo and Marek and their unlikely friendship in London. Both away from home, their friendship grows as does their infatuation with a local French waitress. The plot wanders and cul-de-sacs all over the map, revealing more about the perspectives of the kids themselves. The film has a fierce stench of nostalgia to it and captures the naivety and awkwardness of the teen years. It's not of a pace or film language accepted by the popcorn crowd, but for those with an open mind it's a pretty simple pleasure.
Quite quickly the reason Somers Town has arrived with so little fanfare becomes clear. It's the opposite of epic, a tiny but totally charming little film with the budget of a picnic, but that doesn't detract in any way.
It's the story of teenagers Tomo and Marek and their unlikely friendship in London. Both away from home, their friendship grows as does their infatuation with a local French waitress. The plot wanders and cul-de-sacs all over the map, revealing more about the perspectives of the kids themselves. The film has a fierce stench of nostalgia to it and captures the naivety and awkwardness of the teen years. It's not of a pace or film language accepted by the popcorn crowd, but for those with an open mind it's a pretty simple pleasure.
Been meaning to check this flick out. Most people i know prefer Dead Man's Shoes over This Is England but i personally think the latter is not only superior but also a masterwork. Thomas Turgoose is just incredible in This Is England and i'm hoping he brings the same game here, a little older but hopefully angrier as well.
And i'm with you in hoping Shane Meadows belts out a louder epic for his next project
well scratch that last sentiment off the list http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1437849/
i 71 minute movie that is getting mediocre reviews over in the UK? not looking good... but at least Paddy Considine is back.
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