
Killing Me Softly

Le Tueur (The Killer) 2007

Le Tueur is one of those rare films that is both compelling and serene. Precious little happens during its 90 minute running time but it's hard to tear your eyes off the screen. This is mostly due to the riveting performances of both leads, Gilbert Melki (Intimate Strangers, The Right of The Weakest) who plays a doomed investment banker and Grégoire Colin (Beau Travail, The Dreamlife of Angels) as the man who has been sent to kill him. It requires some patience but the payoff is satisfying and thought-provoking. Both actors manage to create complex, detailed and believable characters with only a a few lines of dialogue. It's not a thriller by any means, more a drama about the goodness inherent in even the most flawed of us. Stellar acting and a leisurely but assured pace by first time director Cedric Anger makes this a decent pick if you are in the mood for something a little introspective.

By the way my little protégées, did either of you watch Kiss me Deadly like I told you to?


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