Although he wrote the short story upon which the script was based, and had a hand in the film's production, Barker himself did not direct. That role was left to Ryuhei Kitamura, probably best known for his 2000 effort Versus and less so for the hugely underrated 2004 flop Godzilla: Final Wars. In the film, we follow Leon, an art-photog on the cusp of breakthrough as he begins to stalk and photograph a man who he believes is killing people in the subway. Leon begins to lose both his perspective and his grip on reality, and becomes obsessed with the butcher Mahogany (an incredible, wordless turn by Vinnie Jones). Once it is revealed that Mahogany is indeed a killer, the film becomes less about the hunt and more about the quickly shrinking mental/physical divide between he and Leon. In the end, Mahogany is dispatched by a now near-mad Leon, who is then unwillingly handed the role once occupied by the recently deceased butcher - that is, he is now charged with harvesting the meat supply for the creatures who live in the abandoned subway station. If only the lower-Bay installation at last year's Nuit Blanche could have been this dope...

Barker's obsessions, even from this early story, are evident here - rough sex, twisted personalities, the real and the imagined, and the base, dumb physicality of meat. While not his best work (or adaptation thereof), The Midnight Meat Train is an intriguing film in its own right, and a solid addition to the Barker cinematic oeuvre. And it takes place largely in a subway, which automatically makes it amazing in my book (see: The Warriors, Jacob's Ladder, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, etc...). I've got this thing about subways in film...
The R1 Lionsgate DVD has a few nice extras in which Barker talks about his painting and writing and breaks down his philosophy of art, and also an "Anatomy of a Murder" feature, in which various cast and crew explain the behind-the-scenes workings of one of the film's subway murders. Not for everyone, but if you dig horror or Barker's work or subways, then I say, "All aboard....the Midnight Meat Train".

yes subways in films makes them automatically a bit doper,
-ghostbusters 2
-every Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie
-money train
-serpico (not enough but the scene where he's stoned on a subway platform trying to get a snack out of a vending machine is terrif.)
- Ghost (dope, subway scenes scared the wits out of me as a kid)
= Dark City (dope subwayness)
and many more.
those are my most memorable tho.
This is why i'm attracted to this film, Subways, Murders, and V.Jones. def checking this out
oh shit - i can't believe i forgot kontroll, too - incredible!
Movies with Subway Scenes that I can recall...
Carlito's Way
French Connection 1 & 2
Le Samourai (Great chase in Paris Metro)
The Incident ('67 Martin Sheen holds subway car occupants hostage)
Die Hard with a Vengeance
Next Stop Greenwich Village
The FBI Story
The Wrong Man
Naked City
After Hours
Streets of Fire
Sliding Doors
Subway (the early Besson film)
Johnny Mnemonic
Cloverfield - lots of subway scenes
Can't remember the title but Richard Widmark picks pockets on a subway car in a Sam Fuller Red scare movie in the fifties. I'll look it up.
The Chicago "L" in the Blue Bros.
I'm sure there are more.
irresistible = irreversible?
widmark film = pickup on south street (or were you joking when you said you couldn't remember...?)
thanks for the lists, guys - many on both of them that i would never had thought of. i'll have to track some down (pun intended).
Irreversible, yes sorry ... it was late. I also really couldn't remember Fuller's Pickup on South Street. Thanks.
irreversible is irresistible
isn't there a critic quote on the box art that goes something like that.
if Irreversible was actually called Irresistible that would completely change the tone... and be amazing
also sporgey's list is far superior to mine
You looking for another raise or something K2? Check out my new bloto (that's a "blog photo" for you neophytes btw) - I think it says "I can make that happen" in big bold lightning bolt letters written across the sky. I won't, but I could (provided Donna said it was OK). Nice try.
dear lord. i thought for sure you woulda gone with welles (at the trivia night i was at last night, everyone kept spelling it "wells" much to my silent rage.)
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