I can't seem to find any external reviews of TransSiberian without some kind of reference to Hitchcock, or to the film being "Hitchcockian", and while that may seem a bit of a stretch, it's not entirely off base - not to mention the fact that I twice slipped "cock" into the last sentence without anyone batting an eye.
The tension builds from the first frame, when we see Ben Kingsley, drawing more from his experiences with Jonathan Glazer than from those with Richard Attenborough. In fact, every character is superbly layered in this film, from Kingsley to Eduardo Noriega (reprising a much similar role to the one he played in Alejandro Amenabar's Tesis), to Woody Harrelson's totally wacky and hilarious country bumpkin-cum-jaded anti-hero Roy. There is no black and white here, just a whole lot of grey, resulting in the kind of moral combat in which a certain British director revelled...
So we come full circle, and while the student has yet to surpass the master, the vibe is definitely there and with each scene there is another turn of the screw. Finally, an "old school" adult thriller that refuses to pander to the audience or take the easy way out. Even after the seemingly tidy ending, this one keeps you guessing, and, as the best thrillers should, just slightly uneasy. As Kris is so fond of doing, I'll compare this to the spawn of a few other films - let's say a threesome between "A Simple Plan", "Midnight Express" and one of either "Silver Streak" or "Narrow Margin" (take your pick). Good show, and I look forward to seeing what Anderson does next.
maybe i should give session 9 another chance. I found it mind numbingly boring and completely suspenseful. felt like i was watching some mad for tv drivel, but alot of people regard it highly so maybe i should give it another look over.
and yes the crossbreeding comparison is the only way critics should be reviewing films these days. It's the only thing that makes sense in this popomo society. -only you have to make them more descriptive Joe and make reference to the seed, it always comes back to the SEED.
i however dug on the Machinist very much so, and this one sounds like some good ol' thriller fun i wanna check it.
good review fuckstick
hahaha i meant to say completely unsuspenseful. ohhh dope
also i felt like i was watching some MADE for tv drivel.
i'm a mad good spellier
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