Wow. Catherine Hardwicke is a good director. The film hits all the queues... unfortunately.
This film would be great if all the scenes necessary to make it about vampires were subsituted with scenes that had similar alegory without all the American fetishes of flatscreens, steaks, vampires, and more subversively integrating art and empiricism, perpetuating the sublime's violent repression of desire without the concomitant moment of release. It's cute while undermining the history of cuteness, love, and autheticity, trading what is a "coming of age" story for the effect of Buffy reruns. Without the possibility of judging particulars and rationally considering ends and goals, the reason which was to be the means to satisfying human ends becomes its own end and thereby turns against the true aim of happiness for the characters.
Well, I only understood about 1/4 of what you wrote (I'm being generous), but I can't say that I didn't enjoy Twilight.
this is the same old argument against popular american film, culture and media. nothing short of a analysis of the culture industry put forward by Theodor Adorno if you're interested.
“I cannot forbear warning you, in the most earnest manner, against endeavoring at wit in your sermons, because by the strictest computation it is very near a million to one that you have none; and because too many of your calling have consequently made themselves everlastingly ridiculous by attempting it.”
Jonathon Swift (1667-1745)
Umm... I'll meet quote with quote, because we're not debating our own intellects but the intellect of others.
i wish to quell. "Whoever speaks of culture speaks of administration as well, whether this is his intention or not. The combination of so many things lacking a common denominator - such as philosophy and religion, science and art, forms of conduct and mores - and finally the inclusion of the objective spirit of an age in the single word 'culture' betrays from on high, is to assemble, distribute, evaluate and organize."
oh c'mon, NOBODY remembers cool runnings.
Pwaha. Kiss my egg. As much as I enjoy all the cock waving, unless Scotts next small press is entitled "Bellends and the things they say" the next one is going to be empty.
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