Was it that the Sabotage video was so overplayed? That Adaptation was "Soooooo Po-Mo bro"? Was it that he worked with uber-cool Beastie Boys, Weezer and Daft Punk before most of us even knew who they were? Perhaps his association with the interminable Bjork? Or the fucking Praise You video which played constantly for two years invariably accompanied by someone insisting "You know, they're all actors".
His collection of films on the "Work of Director..." series was just too bloody good for me to believe he could do anything next other than drop the ball. Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich. The truth is, the only thing Spike ever did to annoy me was to consistently surprise me. I don't like surprises, but I can hardly hate him for being prevalent and influential can I? I've found value in everything he's done and though I understand his work will not be for everyone, it's certainly for me.

There could be some sort of analysis made on what it all means and what this or that represents, the truth is it is all somehow grotesque and familiar and I'm sure quite subjective. Just let your guard down and give this one your time, it's a joy. Sure, recognising the voice of Tony Soprano is distracting but the cast overall is strong and dynamic. Catherine Keener has somehow ascended into the sub-zero realm of Kim Deal, all humans may have become obselete next to those two, being cool as fuck has never been exemplified quite so well.
Let's be honest, Pixar and Dreamworks has gone stale, it's time more of us got back to black. Put simply, WTWTA doesn't feel CG and we need that now more than ever. When a triumphant ditty like this somehow falls on deaf ears it makes you think when a certain wild thing exclaims "We forgot how to have fun!" Thankfully not all of us did.
awww look, the icy brit's heart melted by the joy and wonder of a child! isn't he cute?
心 you 情! You 會ing 好hole, I'm so 心 sick of your bull情, eat a 會 and die. Oh and go 好 yourself. 心情會好哦!
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