Hancock is just flying off the shelves and with a recommendation from the big boss himself i decided to check out what all the huff was about.
The idea was totally my cup of whiskey soda; A superhero who, while trying his best to help people, falls out of the public's good graces and tries his best to become great again. I won't hide the fact that i'm a comic book geek or that i get all sweaty over big budget summer blockbusters. Cause i do' and that's what makes me so sexy. so the mix of big budget/real superhero/Will Smith had me skipping home to watch this.
It's impossible in our day and age to not hear a peep on a film. You will always, no matter how hard you try not to, read a review in a paper or have one of your friends go on about it and how good or crap is was. Especially as a film store employee you are privileged enough to hear a small review from customers upon any certain film's return. They'll toss you the DVD across the counter and say something like "fantastic" or "not bad" or "you should destroy it".
For Hancock i heard mostly less favorable things on it. Most customers just shrugged their shoulders at it; which only increased my curiosity on the picture.
Hancock isn't a bad movie but it's a flawed one for sure. The first half hour of the film was pretty much what I expected. An angry at the world Superhero who tries his best to help but can't help being a miserable drunken asshole. That scenario in itself is worth a dozen movies, not just half a hour of one. The titular hero saves the life of an unsuccessful (although you wouldn't be able to tell that from his house) PR man (played by Jason Bateman most recognized by today's' youth as Michael Bluth from Arrested Development who plays the same character here as well but best known to the oldies as Teen Wolf Too!) who takes it on himself to clean up Hancocks' image in exchange for saving his life. Image clean up detail includes going to rehab for drinking, anger management and prison which wraps up the films enjoyable first hour.
I had read a few places and heard from the lips of the peoples who be living on the streets that there was some convoluted twist that would have you running for the hills. While not as drastic a twist as seen in Danny Boyle's Sunshine, it is still a twist.
But since i was ready for it i actually kind of guessed it. And it's not even that much of a twist.. it's more of a shout. and just complicates things.
My problem with Hancock is that it has no real beginning or end. It felt like scenes from a second and third film of a solid superhero trilogy. It's a film that demands a prequel before the inevitable sequel. A sequel would be boring. I mean.. why can't Hollywood deliver on the goods sometimes? why can't we have a movie where people suck? where a superhero played by Will Smith is a drunk asshole who hates people. That's a movie with something to say.
This movie just says "hey, I'm entertaining rent me on a weekend night and enjoy me. Watch me with popcorn or whatever it is you like to put in your mouth while watching a flick. I'm dumb, let me wash over you. Let me take advantage of your wasted time."
but all in all, it was fun and funny. check it if you're waaaay too awesome.. like me.

1 comment:
"An angry at the world Superhero who tries his best to help but can't help being a miserable drunken asshole"
Replace "Superhero" with "Premature Ejaculator who is destined to die alone" and you'll have discovered the biopic they made about my life.
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