Gather round' as Dropkick KADARSKI goes over the worst movies of 2008, only the top 5 of them... there was a bunch of crap.

5. Mirrors
not a complete failure. This at least has the so bad it's good quality and for the first half there is some scary shit going on. Too bad a device like your reflection wasn't used to its full potential. And i'm still debating if the last 10 minutes when Jack Bauer has a gun fight with a demon nun is the best thing that has ever happened or the worst... poor nun.

4. Wanted
The only redeeming qualities of this film are as follows in chronological order: Morgan Freeman dropping the F bomb, action sequence where gun is stuck in head but is continued to be used for remainder of said scene, Angelina's wetback. This movie is for guys who go home after work and play video games and dream of a life so unlike their own. The Matrix without a brain.

3. Journey To The Center of the Earth IN 3d!!!!!!!!
OH MY GAAAADDDD IT'S A SHITTY MOVIE! BUT IN 3D!!! now it's almost like you can taste the shit!

2. X Files: I Want To Believe
fan of the show? Prepare to be dissapointed. Not a fan? Prepare to be bored. There is nothing here that resembles anything worth to be put onto film. One of the only films i go out of my way to not recommend. I can't believe such trite can pass test audiences unscathed. Someone musta liked it, but i don't know the person. Tell them to come by the store. i will slap them.

1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Watching Indiana back in the saddle was the visual equivalent of achieving the brown sound. My stomach was turning within the first minutes and by the time the giant fire ants came out i was up to my third pair of clean undies. This is the worst kind of bad movie, because this was asked for. So many of us wanted this and so many of us thought as long as Ford was back and had his hat and whip there's no way it could be bad. Alas, Hollywood showed us it's still full of magic, even in today's troubling times, and completely surprised us with this overlong; over expensive; over exaggerated time waster. Just a shame, 8 year old kris is still healing from this one.
Coming soon
Best Music heard at FBE in 2008 while Kris was managing (hey macarena!)
Crazy Chinese Burritos and why i love them! (yum)
I agree with all of the above.
when you post sektorz 4?
in time,
the whole project is coming together slowly but with a carefulness once believe only reserved for burrito makers applying chipotle given the ration of noodles and chess.
yeah.. that made sense
I couldn't agree more with your list. Those 5 films I remember well, simply because for how bad and corny and/or tacky they were. Especially Indy 4 and Wanted. I don't believe Steven Spielberg is an exceptional director anymore, he's become average.
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