I saw three things this week that a profound effect on me and they came from wildly different corners. The first was a
Lewis C.K. Interview with Conan O'Brien last October. Lewis nails it – a biting slap at the very people in the audience applauding him and laughing along, the same sniveling blowhards that make up 90% of North American society these days (and the ones that have fucked everything up). In a weird twist of mass-delusion, most of these people entirely miss that Lewis's little observational rant it's ABOUT them. Post-modern comedy I suppose. Anyone with half a brain would sit there and shake their heads a the sheer depressing honesty of his commentary. NBC is pulling this from everywhere so watch it quickly. Lord knows they wouldn't want the truth getting out.
Like all three; but I don't buy the social significance of the Joshua Bell story...The story is very good and thought provoking but i don't think the 'moral of the story' towards the end is very apt. For the reason that context is everything; when you play in a concert hall, sell out and charge 100 bucks per, playing a 3.5 million dollar violin that means you are valued as an artist for you art. When you play music in the subway it is for small change because you are not valued for your art. In the eyes of passengers they are simply musical homeless people (regardless of who they really are). And if i was in the subway that day when Joshua Bell was playing i would neither give him money nor stop and listen. There are mechanisms and ways in which people place value on things, no doubt flawed, but nevertheless there it is. If you know that the sexiest person in your eyes in the world wants to have sex with you and there would be no negative fall out from the affair...you would do it in a second in a 5 star hotel suite, you would give alot because we place value on beauty and pleasure, etc. But if the same situation could only be confronted in a sewer pipe filled with needles dripping with HIV would you do it? I would think not...Extreme example but i think it serves its purpose. And in conclusion; who likes classical music these days anyways???
"But if the same situation could only be confronted in a sewer pipe filled with needles dripping with HIV would you do it?"
only if splinter could watch.
I must admit to not having a clue who Joshau Bell is. I see your point Funklad - that the conclusion drawn might have overreached but there's something to the story that speaks to a world unaware of beauty taken out of context. btw Coleslaw... Are we still on for that little get together down at the sewage treatment plant with Queer-Dust Sunday?
how come i thought about the ninja turtles too when i read sewer pipe?
the louis ck vid is great, only i expected something a little more biting from your description that made it sounded more like a revolution was taking place but it's just the usual C.K. fare.
i will say it does piss me off when planes get delayed. as i'm sure it pissed people off 200 years ago when their horse and carriage numbers were delayed.
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