
Dark Knight Review by Jonathan Lethem

Here's the link, in case you haven't already read it:
Lethem Dark Knight Review

1 comment:

Dropkick said...

wow. that is a well written interpretation of the Dark Knight but, also one i somewhat disagree with.

I find the symbols and metaphors in the movie represent something very dark. It shows us places in ourselves we should wrestle with much like bruce wayne does but i don't think this echoes with most other humans.
I have no faith in them.
This movie is so popular only because 1)it's batman and 2) Heath choked a few months before it came out.

i mean, it's huge... this film is huge but only because of it's own hyperbole.
But look at high school musical... that shit is smashing records.. it's insane how much that shit is selling. doesn't that say something about society as well?

still, good article.