
Can't Wii all just get iLong?

Because I'm a sucker for almost any science fiction, I thought I'd give the new Bruce Willis film Surrogates a try yesterday. Ya, I know, What was I thinking? ….but the concept at its core seemed an interesting one - people living through robotic surrogates, never having to leave the sanctuary of their own homes and letting their robots deal with traffic and interacting with other robotic surrogates.

Well, with little surprise, the whole thing is a bit of a waste of time. To be fair, Surrogates suffered from being viewed in the aftermath of a lunar eclipse. Willis hits his marks as usual but the plot's immense potential is tossed out in favour of producing yet another mediocre action flick. Instead of exploring the fascinating possibilities of a futuristic Kadassic-Period world, we end up with a poor-man's Blade-Walker, a Majority Report meets Wii-Robot disappointment. Strangely, the picture also sports a now-20-year-old Total Recall look that seems vastly out of time and place in a BSG/ Moon/Dark Knight present.

Had I not seen the extraordinary Moon just last week, I probably would have enjoyed Surrogates a little more. It's not awful, it's just pointless and that's too bad because there's some delicious rotten-Apple iRobot potential here that goes completely unexplored. I guess we'll just have to wait for Moon-Unit Duncan Jones to do it.
With apologies for the quantity of posts of late,


the coelacanth said...

why apologize? the more posts the better - in my opinion - as long as they are as humourous, thought-provoking and worthy of a read as they have been lately on the blog...

more, please.

Dropkick said...

a Kadarassic period would be such a joy. I sometimes, when i'm not txting all my bff's 4 lyfe lolllzzz, think about a Kadarskiesque future. All it would be is txt, sxting, prons, l33tn3555! pwnmge! we wouldn't have to go in for work at all, we could sit in our homes and log into a facebook/twitter hybrid that would connect us to avatars that would work for us so that we have more time to be l33t and txt U'S mANZ! oh glory gloryz hallelujah!!! LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH

La Sporgenza said...

So... the only difference would be you wouldn't physically go to work in the future? I'm guessing your avatar would always be nervous that my avatar was about to fire it/you.

Niki Diamonds said...

Somehow I laughed really hard at that (Kadas) comment but remotely understand any of it. Odd.

La Sporgenza said...

Even odder is the fact that it still makes more sense than your reply Niki.