

Some truly amazing news - I got an email from the NFB (well, not just me; kind of, like, everyone on their mailing list) a couple days ago but have only now had a chance to check out the super rad announcement they passed on: A vast portion of the NFB/ONF catalogue is now available to view online for free. Free. FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!! There are some absolutely stunning, revelatory films on the site. Never mind that this should have been the case years ago - this is an incredible and important cultural and technological milestone. I only wish they had done this 6 months ago, before I shelled out $60 for Waterwalker and King of the Hill. I suddenly know where I'll be spending much of my free time over the coming indoor months.

Go. There. Now.

1 comment:

Dropkick said...

thanks for the heads up,
where all my free time will be going to die