
Seriously, Man....

A nod for best picture at the upcoming Oscars...by the infallible Coen Brothers franchise...entirely set in some unnamed Jewish Mid-West community... during the coolest decade of the 20th Century. Wow...talk about a film designed to make any criticism of it nearly unthinkable. If you dislike it, you're chastised for lacking any understanding of film (the Coen's are brilliant and you just didn't get it) and for likely being a racist (or at the very least, antisemitic). You obviously hate Jews if you don't like stories about them and are more than likely a terrorist.  The vitriol aimed at any critic who voiced the opinion that A Serious Man comes off as a smug, mean-spirited, pointlessly vindictive and terribly unfunny black-comedy was quick and severe. Poor Paul Chambers from CNN (that bastion of thoughtful film critiques) drew this response from someone who felt his negative review of the film was misguided.....

(from tomatoesrotten.moc) alic b. writes...
“...sir, perhaps you should try Bobsponge squarepants...that should be mainstream enough. hank god for Cohen brothers. just the fact that you are starting a recension of a Cohen brothers movie with a "mainstream" in your mind, means you have no idea what you are doing Sir...how did you get this jobe is beyond any comprehension...jeeeeez!!! as love flag said, read a book or something please... [sic]”

...and really, what could you possibly add to that?

Bobsporge Brownshirt


the coelacanth said...

holy fuck. holy. fuck.

Dropkick said...

i've heard this was awful and plan to stay away

Britarded said...

Errr.. does that mean you've seen it then?

La Sporgenza said...

Ya....I watched it last night but was trying to avoid saying anything specific about it (in case alic b. caught wind and felt it necessary to open a whoop of canass on my negative vibe).

It's a truly terrible movie.

La Sporgenza said...

Nobody's commented that Bobsponge also strikes the "garbarator face" for this closeup. You can see his hands so I wonder what's in the garbarat.... oh dear... yes I see now. That's really disturbing....

Britarded said...

Yeah, watched it tonight. Errrrrrm, honestly I'm pretty perplexed by it. I understand there is a cat in a box somewhere but that doesn't suddenly make it all good. I didn't hate it, I mean it was watchable but... well I'm glad I didn't have to write a review.