
Well boys, looks like we hit the big time..

The Wheelers took to the streets pretty hard this past summer,
and here's us going international via google maps.
Miss you Joe and Tom.

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the coelacanth said...

haha so dope - i was just telling tom about this last night. i wish jules was there, too. man, i love him.

La Sporgenza said...

Dear lord... the lengths some people will go to get noticed. Thank goodness they blur the faces so the bozo's that chased the Google camera truck around for 35 blocks aren't readily identifiable. Hold it!..... those white girl-glasses on the middle one seem familiar don't they?.... one has a ginger-beard and the one on the right has a queer sort of wave like the Queen of England... Could it be...... yes! ...it's 3/4's of Boys2Men!

Chandles said...


the coelacanth said...


Chandles said...

i like that i can zoom in on jola's butt

La Sporgenza said...

you don't need google for that