
The Polish... win

What is this crap?
Here is North America's poster for Weekend at Bernies,

and here's the Polish take...

i know...
don't say it...
i know...


the coelacanth said...

there are some amazing polish film posters. check here for a start for some eye popping art and interpretation:

Dropkick said...

it's amazing. absolutely amazing.
I think the Alien poster is my fave.
thinks for that link!

and i'll see you Saturday for our last last last burrito

the coelacanth said...

last after last.

Dropkick said...

i'm going to go for the sweeeet or special this week.

....hmm...maybe the pollo actually

the coelacanth said...

victor su brought me and jules free burritos on monday because they were closed and we had nowhere to eat. they were cold and lacking in toppings, but they were free, and the gesture was amazing. i'm getting the pollo today. saturday? who knows....off da hook?